Hermes is purpose-built rocket to carry payloads up to 15 lbs. Versatile and highly-modular, Hermes is capable of launching on a wide variety of motors, namely L-motors to 9k feet, as well as N-motors to 30k feet, depending on the desired application.
Heavy lifting made to look effortless.
Project Hermes’ official mission patch.
Versatile. Innovative. Powerful.
Whatever it is, Hermes can carry it to new heights.
Got Rockets? We Do.
Whether it’s testing a new flight computer or gathering g-force data on a brain model, Hermes has the capability to get you the data you need. Able to launch on a wide range of motors, the three standard tiers of flight have plenty to offer. Expected altitude calculated using an 8 lb payload, although Hermes can carry more if needed.
Tier 1 - Low Power Flight
Cesaroni L1115
Total Impulse: 5,015.0 Ns (1,126.9 lb/s)
Average Thrust: 1,119.0 N (251.5 lb)
Maximum Thrust: 1,713.3 N (385.0 lb)
Burn time: 4.5 seconds
Expected Altitude: 6,900 feet
Tier 2 - Mid Power Flight
Cesaroni M2245
Total Impulse: 9,976.7 Ns (2242.8 lb/s)
Average Thrust: 2326.4 N (523 lb)
Maximum Thrust: 3357 N (754.7 lb)
Burn time: 4.3 seconds
Expected Altitude: 13,000 feet
Tier 3 - High Power Flight
Cesaroni N1100
Total Impulse: 14,005 Ns (3,147.2 lb/s)
Average Thrust: 1,120 N (251.7 lb)
Maximum Thrust: 1,120 N (251.7 lb)
Burn time: 12.5 seconds
Expected Altitude: 18,200 feet
Tier 4 - Max Power Flight
Cesaroni N5800
Total Impulse: 20,145.7 Ns (4,527.1 lb/s)
Average Thrust: 5,774.1 N (1,297.6 lb)
Maximum Thrust: 8,034.6 N (1,805.5 lb)
Burn time: 3.5 seconds
Expected Altitude: 24,500 feet
Want to go higher and faster? Let us know and we can find a motor that works for you!
Payload Capabilites
Hermes has a dedicated payload bay of 5.81 inches in diameter and 15 inches in length, although it can fit additional equipment extending into the nose cone. With an approximate loadable volume of 400+ cubic inches, Hermes has endless possibilities for utilization.
Although LRA will be flying 3U CubeSats in Hermes, the versatility of the payload bay allows for nearly any configuration of equipment.